Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday April 6, 2017

SOCIAL STUDIES 6 - Complete worksheet for 8-2 - The Roman Empire and finish the notes an outline for 8-2.  Vocabulary for section 8-2 is also due.

MATH 6 - Workbook page 79 and 80.  Make sure you are giving an estimated answers and the actual answer, in simplest form.  Review the rules for estimating a fraction and a mixed number.

HONORS MATH 7 - Worksheet 9-6 and MYS page 457 and 464. 
Packet for spring break;  complete the front page for each section and evens on the back.  Use your textbook if you need help.  Write out all formulas.  You may use calculators to solve.  Include the appropriate measurement for each solution. Due; Monday April 24th.

ALGEBRA - Worksheet 9.1 and 9.2.  Vocabulary for Chapter 9, in your composition book is due tomorrow.